Linas Matkasse is growing with the help of Binar Solutions
Linas Matksse is a company in e-commerce that has grown strongly in a short time. To be able to respond to the increased volumes in sales, they turned to Binar Solutions. The result was an increase in productivity, error proof order picking and a more ergonomic working environment.

Linas Matkasse is a e-grocery bag concept by the Swedish company Carolinas Matkasse AB, which was founded in 2008. The company also include the Godtlevert brand, which is a norweign e-grocery bag concept.
More and more people are opening their eyes to the e-commerce of goods where you get your grocery bags delivered to your home. To respond to the increase in sales, Linas Matkasse wanted to increase capacity and productivity. They also wanted to give their customers more freedom of choice while ensuring that they could maintain the same high quality even after these changes.
“We didn’t really have any problems with the quality of our products before the changes, but we wanted to be able to error proof our production in a smooth way.”
-Jonas Nilsson Head of Production Sweden, Linas Matkasse
Linas Matkasse chose to contact Binar Solutions, a company they knew from earlier. The solution was a pick-to-light-system, where the hardware was connected to Linas Matkasses proprietary software.
Pick-to-light means that lamp indications show what and how much to pick from each item. Since the system is digital, you don’t need a pick list but can work completely paperless and with both hands, leading to faster picking and more efficient production. Quality assurance is obtained by acknowledging a sensor or button for each pick.
The result of the solution was an increase in productivity and reduced costs. As operators are now able to use both their hands, the work also becomes more ergonomic. When each pick is acknowledged, the system also contributes to making the order picking error proof.
“It is clearly a profitable investment. In this context, it is very priceworthy.”
-Jonas Nilsson Head of Production Sweden, Linas Matkasse