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    Take your career to the next level with us

    We want you to grow with us and that you help us grow with your new thoughts and ideas. You don’t need to know everything from the start, we’d rather offer you the opportunity to learn together with us. With a team of 30 people you have the opportunity to take on wide-ranging responsibility or acquire in-depth expert knowledge.

    Karriär hos Binar

    Entrepreneur, nerds, creativity, code, electronics, and a whole lot of crispbread

    We are revolutionising production technology worldwide. We love electronics! And it’s fun doing what you love. We know our stuff, and revel in new technology. We are crazy solution-focused, and lazy (or smart as we see it). Like, why reinvent the wheel? The best thing about us is that we are free of any form of prestige, both among ourselves and our partners. That’s because – for us – there is nothing more important than giving our customers the best solution. We think that’s why people stay, and customers choose to work with us.

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    Vacant positions

    Is there no vacant position that suits you?

    Don’t let that stop you – Submit a spontaneous application! We are growing and we never know when we may need someone like you. Usually it is also the case that you know what you want only when you see it.

    Fill out the form below or send an email to Hopefully we have the perfect opportunity for you!

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